Thursday 10 April 2008

nothing sacred - dogcast five

This episode is dedicated entirely to Fatma Durmush's new play, 'Nothing Sacred'. The play takes us into Fatma's experience of schizophrenia and shares with us her struggle with her internal voices.
Mick Hobbs went to Fatma's house to talk to her about the play.
To hear the play, go to

Sunday 20 January 2008

the basset - dogcast four

With very special thanks to Stephen Wright who put this dogcast together....
....and in this episode

Mick Hobbs on the Basset, music - Well for the Sweat of The Moon, Andy Partridge
Love Will Tear Us Apart, Albert Kuvezin and Yat-Kha
Standing In the Road, Janet Burgen (originally by Blackfoot Sue)
Aster, Goldfish (underneath LFA)
Not sure who recites Imagine...
Me and My Cat Named Dog, Norma Tenaga

Monday 24 December 2007

dogcast three - dogs are us

In Dogcast Three...
It's All in the Maud – in which Mick Hobbs introduces us to the many myspaces that have become maudspaces
Andrea Glass sings "We Could Be Over"
A moment with Bill Gillonis
A fragment of Slyed by mFh
Part of Fatma Durmush's play "Nothing Sacred'
A fragment of "Looks Down In The Gathering Snow" by Mukul
The Letter From America with Stephen Wright
Christmas waste

Saturday 8 December 2007

dogcast two - garden edition

dave russell covers kevin coyne's 'strange pictures'
'absent, airhead' is mental fight club; written and read by sarah wheeler with janacek's 'an overgrown path' - produced by mick hobbs
the letter from america - stephen wright with sounds from monday maud and 'u-walz' by monkey tooth.
'your hidden dreams' by 'the swiss cheesus'
presented and produced by mick hobbs and mfh 8 december 07

Sunday 11 November 2007

dogcast one - terror infection

Life and Living's first podcast, featuring Jacob Stringer's play, "Terror Infection"; it was first performed in the Serpentine Gallery in August of 2005, and this version was recorded last year in Studio 9 and broadcast on Resonance FM.