Monday 24 December 2007

dogcast three - dogs are us

In Dogcast Three...
It's All in the Maud – in which Mick Hobbs introduces us to the many myspaces that have become maudspaces
Andrea Glass sings "We Could Be Over"
A moment with Bill Gillonis
A fragment of Slyed by mFh
Part of Fatma Durmush's play "Nothing Sacred'
A fragment of "Looks Down In The Gathering Snow" by Mukul
The Letter From America with Stephen Wright
Christmas waste

Saturday 8 December 2007

dogcast two - garden edition

dave russell covers kevin coyne's 'strange pictures'
'absent, airhead' is mental fight club; written and read by sarah wheeler with janacek's 'an overgrown path' - produced by mick hobbs
the letter from america - stephen wright with sounds from monday maud and 'u-walz' by monkey tooth.
'your hidden dreams' by 'the swiss cheesus'
presented and produced by mick hobbs and mfh 8 december 07